Thanks for keeping us current on this, Dan.

The Post was my refuge from the peculiarities of the Times, and I've watched it deteriorate over the past few years. Used to be there were half a dozen columnists I couldn't wait to read and lots of smart coverage. Feels like management has slowly drained the color from the enterprise.

Doesn't sound like this guy's the sort to back away, though, more likely he'll start proving how tough he is by cracking down further.

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I was appalled that the Post got rid of Margaret Sullivan, Dan Froomkin and Greg Sargent. It sure seems to me that the Opinions page now skews right.

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Well said! I and others may well terminate our subscriptions to The Washington Post after this debacle.

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I deleted my Washington post subscription

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What a poor excuse for an editor -- actually, no: for anyone with any integrity whatsoever.

Maybe Trump will hire him.

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I worked in the dead tree media industry for a few decades.

What the fuck????

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It was bad enough that these three guys come from rightwing Murdoch world but attempting a “catch and kill scheme” with NPR reporter Folkenflik (using a quid pro quo instead of money) is sleazy David Pecker behavior.

For months readers have been complaining in the comments sections that the WaPo was moving to the right — something I agreed with given the columnists they got rid of and the new ones they hired — but Lewis’s new hires and his tabloid-style behavior is making that crystal clear.

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What's a good alternative?

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