The corporate media thought they had it made, having flogged Biden's age with more of a vengeance that Hillary's emails, he was on the way to defeat. But now that he's out, they will have to work doubly hard to keep Trump relevant. They will ignore his age. They will ignore his dementia. They will ignore his felonies. They will ignore the rape and the underage girls on Epstein Island. But they will attack every nit they can find with Kamala and they will magnify every specious attack and lawsuit as legit. It's how they roll.

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So right!!

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I can’t believe the media has ignored Trump’s horrifying rant about his dictator idols — guys who oversee economies that don’t hold a candle to ours. Even China is fighting a recession these days. The US economy is the envy of the world under Biden but Trump and his party admire these pathetic losers. (I had several comments taken down on Threads for calling Republicans “Loser Lovers”!)

I had to listen to Greg Sargent’s podcast episode to hear about that insanity which is not how serious journalists would treat such a horrifying news story but our mainstream media shrugs it off as “baked in”, just the same ol’ same ol’. Funny but they didn’t treat the fact that Biden is old as “baked in”, they worked hard to make sure no on had missed that fact. I bet they will now use the debate as an excuse for their obsessive “Biden is old” coverage, conveniently erasing all that coverage they did long before the debate.

I am hoping that they have been intimidated by the furious reaction against the “Biden is old obsession” from readers so they don’t revert to their usual efforts to equalize the candidates and therefore the race but I won’t be surprised if there is more of their trivializing “she has a weird laugh, is a mean boss, etc.

That mean boss slam is only used for women. Amy Klobuchar got that treatment as has Harris but when Bernie Sanders staffers complained about him losing his temper, yelling, etc. the only place it was published was in a local Vermont paper. I know several people — younger men and women — who have worked on the Hill as Congressional aides in recent years and they all said that bosses losing their tempers is very common given the stress but it only got attention if it was a woman doing that. Big surprise!

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There is a reason why I just canceled my subscriptions to the Times and the Washington Post and you nailed it. There is no longer a " Mainstream Media," only mouth pieces for the newly minted billionaires and those who firmly believe that democracy is over rated. Clicks are king and profits over freedom.

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Ruth Ben-Ghiat has been warning us. And the stupid news media sleepwalks through Trump's ever-increasing extremism.

Remember, if someone shows you who they are, believe them. In Trump's case, it's the one area where he's telling us the truth. A man who admires dictators with iron fists is dangerous.

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They are not sleepwalking. They do not care. They don’t see it as their mission to attack Trump with the same (equal) vigor they used on Biden. Media are not bystanders on this. They are culpable.

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Of course they don't care. Why do you think they're sleepwalking? Smh

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We have to remember that there are corporate media, and then there are independent media, like Dan Froomkin. I support Mother Jones, ProPublica, Lakota Law, and the Southern Poverty Law Center, among other non-profit news sources. They are doing a great job not only of getting the word out, but doing their own investigative reporting — the kind the corporate media no longer find profitable, for the most part.

If only the media would remember that they are a plural word... 😎

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Froomkin is a media watchdog, not a reporter. Same for SPLC. I'm not familiar with Lakora Law. We depend on big news agencies to tell us what's happening all over the world. The problem is in the slant their owners and Boards of Directors give to domestic politics. People are gullible, and Trump isn't the first politician to understand that if people hear something over and over again, they're apt to believe it. We also have the internet, especially social media, that spreads lies just as fast as it spreads facts. So the key is to pay more attention to the actions and less attention to the words. This is Trump's Achilles heel. He has done nothing for working and middle class Americans, so he instead claims the country is overwhelmed by crime and a crumbling economy. He's a liar, but he keeps it up and people believe him.

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I agree with most of what you wrote and that actions are important to watch but Trump’s words matter now that he has dropped any pretense of believing in democracy. That “ode to dictators speech” he recently made should have been the top story at mainstream outlets, along with coverage of just how weak the economies of those countries are and how under Biden the US economy is the strongest in the world.

The words of Project 2025 should also be front and center because it’s the blueprint for Republican’s plans to replace our democracy with a theocratic plutocracy (or plutocratic theocracy?)

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It's been a remarkable thing to watch the mainstream press seem to ignore that Trump has had eight years of "missteps" and instead preferring to characterize his constant meandering incompetence, ignorance, and irreverence as a new popular dance craze.

Kamala is going to misspeak in the course of giving hundreds of speeches. And you know what? It shouldn't matter when at the end of the day she's promising to uphold our Constitution, laws, and institutions and Trump is openly promising to dismantle all these things.

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It shouldn’t matter when Kamala inevitably misspeaks but I bet it will matter to the media because it will give them a chance to look balanced. And I won’t be surprised if they deliberately portray twist her words so they can make her look bad. That is what they did with that “gaffe” Hillary made about coal communities. Anyone who read her policies or heard that speech would have known that she had a substantive, fully funded $30 billion program to help coal country and that she had great empathy for them. The journalists who heard that speech clearly made that choice to play games and took one sentence out of context to make her look like she was uncaring, condescending and callous to coal miners and their families.

“ Hillary Clinton’s “coal gaffe” is a microcosm of her twisted treatment by the media

She navigated a hall of mirrors.”


In fact a lot of Hillary’s proposals have been put into effect by the Biden administration with the enthusiastic cooperation of Republican governors like Jim Justice and Mike DeWine. From what I have seen most of the news coverage of those programs focused on the work of the governors but omitted the fact that the funding came from the Biden administration.

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The NYT ignores the bulk of tRump rally "speeches" as just "tRump being tRump, no news here" sort of thing. What they really should be doing is accessing, e.g., Aaron Rupar's superb compilation of vids from every tRump rally this year, then highlighting the inanities, threats, verbal idiocies, etc., exiting the moron's mouth every time he opens it. Time to take its own editorial to heart - tRump is unfit to be president - and just roll out the evidence on a daily basis, if it's at all possible to redirect Baker, Haberman, et al focus from horse-race reporting to "the stakes", as Prof. Jay Rosen has decreed.

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Maggie can’t. She is completely tied to Trump. The rest of them won’t do it either. They pay lip service to “the stakes.” If it really mattered they would investigate and report with the same vigor they used on Joe and but her emails.

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Dan Froomkin- you are a wonderful observer and I do wish the mainstream media would step up and correctly report the enormous risk the country would have if Trump were elected. He reveals all his bad ideas and yet most media blithely report unimportant nonsense. Thank you for what you do.

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Thank you. I read that Blatz article today and it made me angry. I'm so tired of the WaPo making me feel angry, not about the news but about the way they don't report on the news. There's a relevant article by Brian Steller in the Atlantic today about the troubles of the Washington post. It's sad. We need more newspapers, not fewer. Between the corporate owned media and dark money donors democracy is running out of oxygen. I'm done with WaPo until they get it figured out.

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I would add to the NY Times editorial thusly:

"Mr. Biden’s departure gives Democrats an opportunity to refocus public attention from questions about the president’s fitness to the manifest moral and temperamental unfitness of Mr. Trump — and to the dangers of rearming him with the considerable — and newly expanded — powers of the presidency."

Bravo for keeping the focus where it needs to be, Mr. Froomkin.

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WaPo and most of the NY Times articles, the "liberal" big media, have been promoting the fpotus as just another candidate, ignoring writing his incoherent gibberish verbatim, and acting like his despotic, authoritarian rants are "just Donald". The MSM has completely let us down in terms of real election information. This is all just entertainment for the masses. It may be deliberate, and the oligarch owners do not care if their media is shut down under the fpotus - tax breaks are more important; or they are cynically looking forward to "reporting" the outlandish behaviors of our first dictator in waiting.

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Her biggest asset is her smile.

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