Hard to get the media to be the vaccine when they are addicted to being the superspreader because the virus is so good for the corporate bottom line.

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Not many front-line journalists care much about the company's bottom line as long as they and their colleagues are not being laid off.

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MSM owners--yes *owners* and major shareholders--need to instruct their editors and journalists that FOX and its lesser competitors are a mortal threat to their collective existence and employment. The frickin' gloves need to come off. Before they lose more market share, and/or are all put out of business.

The Alternative-Facts RW media-sphere is super profitable (because they dispense with those costly newsrooms), and passes off opinion and make-believe as actual news, hiding behind their 1st Amendment rights. And even claiming journalistic privilege. Time for the MSM to fight back before they go the way of the dodo.

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That would require the owners and major shareholders to look a few millimeters past their next quarterly earnings report. I worked for seven different owners and freelanced for several more. Trust me: That's not going to happen.

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Oct 17·edited Oct 17

While the mainstream media is doing all those things they should also be giving a lot of attention to reports on the strength of the US economy like this one from the not liberal Economist:

“The American economy has left other rich countries in the dust. Expect that to continue”


Brett Baier tried to trap Harris into talking about Biden’s economy. He and other journalists know that the economy has been and still is amazingly strong, much stronger than any other country’s and that inflation is under control. He knows that inflation was a global phenomenon caused by the pandemic and Russia’s war on Ukraine and that US inflation was not higher than that of other countries. He also knows that by ignoring all the positive news about our economic growth, booming job market, and wages outpacing inflation for over a year and with the highest growth for low income Americans the media has misled the American public and convinced them the economy is bad.

Baier and his ilk also understand that because of the media’s malpractice Harris can’t say praise the Biden economy or sat she will continue his economic approach — strengthening the middle class. It’s as if we have gone through the looking glass.

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<<Don’t be afraid. Don’t engage in “anticipatory obedience” and censor yourself because you are worried about alienating Republicans. They’ll hate you anyway.>>

This. Right. Here. Both during and since my time as a journalist, I tried to make this point to my colleagues, without much success. "They'll hate you anyway" is particularly important: If it doesn't matter to them what you say, why not publish the truth, being both factually and contextually accurate? What have you got to lose? (We know what you have to lose if you don't.)

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Call out specific senators who are his enablers! Under oath take their comments on the 2020 election.

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You have sources for stating half the population in the United States is Maga? You trying to give everyone hear a heart attack? What sources lead you to that conclusion?

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It seems that even those who subscribe to your newsletter are not able/unwilling to distinguish the difference between Harris and Trump. I started to reply to one person but realized it was useless. Yes, democrats have committed horrendous acts - Obama held no one responsible for torture. The difference in this election is beyond politics.

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You are a smart guy, Dan, so how can you think Harris/Walz will be any better? The Dems will force us to be digitally ID'd and have CBDCs, thus lose all freedoms after they use censorship on all dissent. Already happening. The Dems call the First Amendment "dangerous." (BTW, you haven't noticed Dems-Repubs have switched ideologies, have you. What kind of Dem embraces endorsement from the likes of the Cheneys, plus all the warmongers, for god's sake?) At least the Rs want to keep freedom of speech. BOTH LOVE GENOCIDE on Palestinians. BOTH believe the US "rules the world," as Biden said recently, "I rule the world." Neither have a clue that the BRICS are moving into a world where they are independent from the dictates of this terrorist (with Israel/UK) country, into a place where they treat each other with respect, honesty, harmony, and mutual cooperation. Multiplicity is anathema to US and its sycophants who will all lose out when the dollar has no power as the basic standard of exchange. Goodbye SWIFT. Goodbye US. Goodbye, Israel. Goodbye EU. Hello, new multi-polar world. Dan, why aren't you stumping for Stein. So convinced we have only two evil choices? Both of whom think we could survive a "small" nuclear war, but the incompetent, unappealing Harris's puppeteers (think Hillary) think it the most. There are better candidates running. Stein, for one.

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Guess you drank the KoolAid. What is today’s flavor? Orange? Just wondering.

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Always bemuses me that snide is supposed to stand in for intelligent response.

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Your wild overstatements do not qualify as discussion.

If you think having responsible, actual conservative Republicans support the only sane choice for a ticket is bad, and if you think Kamala Harris "loves genocide," you have left the bounds of reason and are in a swirl of lies from which there can be no escape.

Snide is actually quite appropriate as a response to such intellectually lazy commentary.

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