What a complete and utter shitshow. With few exceptions, the mainstream legacy media is in cahoots with Trump, whether they admit it or not.

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No fact-checking and Bash/Tapper worst moderators choice to date? Fact check and silence his (TFGCF former guy current felon) mic while you correct the info!

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Maybe the two will get in a bit of Palestinian-bashing to highlight any ritual pro-Israeli "debate" questions directed to tRump and Biden.

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Tapper and Bash know, without having to consult notes, when Trump’s lying. And calling out a lie is not a partisan act. If they intend to be “neutral,” why do we need two bigshot TV newspeople to moderate? If we don’t expect them to act as journalists, then let’s just hire a high school debate coach to run the thing.

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Maybe they could just put up CG - probably every time Lord Cheeto opens his mouth - "LIE" flashing on the screen. That would do it.

The problem as stated in the above article is "standing up for the truth requires journalists to engage in behavior that looks to one side like you’re taking the other"

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I hope Biden’s people are preparing him for Trump bringing up Hunter’s drug addiction which I am betting he will. Biden can use that attack to address everyone in the audience who has had to deal with the pain of addiction either in themselves or someone they love then talk about the need to fund better treatments as well as research on better pain medicine. Legal pain meds are how a lot of people get hooked.

But what I really want is for Biden to address Trump’s statements about immigrants “poisoning the blood” of Americans by pointing out that Trump strongly advocates cutting back on legal immigration yet he doesn’t have a problem with being the child of an immigrant or with the fact that four out of his five kids are children of immigrants. Biden should then point out that it seems that Trump’s objection is immigrants with darker skin. It drives me crazy that the media never points these facts out when Trump viciously excoriates immigrants.

Off topic but I just listened to Molly Jong-Fast’s interview with David Folkenflik and it struck me that had Folkenflik reported on Will Lewis’s quid pro quo bribery attempt back in December it happened maybe Bezos would have dumped Lewis before Lewis took over the WaPo the next month. Why did Folkenflik and NPR withhold such an important story from the public when it might have prevented this disaster? And why is the media ignoring that fact?

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Speaking of drugs, Trump's claim that Biden will be on drugs for the debate is his version of damage control. When Biden beats the snot out of him, Trump will claim it was because drugs gave Biden the advantage. Remember Trump's affiliation with WWE.

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Joe Biden could blunt this easily by announcing at the beginning that a website has been set up to monitor and correct all the lying that you can look forward to from Trump. "We will fact check him in real time. Just go to TrumpLiesAllTheTime.com."

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You have to realize that if CNN fact-checked Trump it would take up the entirety of the debate, and Biden wouldn't have a chance to speak at all. Trump lies every time he opens his mouth.

It's a shame that CNN was chosen to host this utter waste of time. Unless they're covering Trump's perp walk to federal prison, i won't watch.

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I learn a lot when you post. Thanks!

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All they have to do is put up a flashing red "Lying" over Donny Fuckface whenever he speaks. Problem solved.

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Is there any substantive distinction between CNN & FOX?

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I think that’s a situation when you refer to ‘a hair’s breadth’ of difference.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

I am not a fan of CNN’s mamby-pamby coverage of Republicans but they are not comparable to Fox’s deeply dishonest propaganda/coverage.

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