Sitemap - 2024 - Press Watch

Show me the happy faces of the Biden economy — and other urgent story assignments for the MSM

New York Times editor Joe Kahn says defending democracy is a partisan act and he won’t do it

Journalists are blaming the wrong people for violence at college protests

Biden implores journalists to ‘rise up to the seriousness of the moment’

The media should be celebrating college protesters instead of demonizing them

Every report on Trump’s trial requires this basic explanation of the charges

Credulous journalists misreport Trump’s abortion comments, refuse to correct themselves

The Washington press corps doesn’t have a freaking clue

‘Critics say’ is an insufficient way to contextualize Trump’s false, offensive, and antisemitic calumny against Democratic Jews

It’s not just our democracy at stake, it’s our freedom

Why is New York Times campaign coverage so bad? Because that’s what the publisher wants.

21 story assignments about Trump’s authoritarian threat

Every new Trump endorsement is a story of profound moral collapse

The Hunter Biden story has done a total 180 but the MSM is in denial

When is a huge news story not a huge news story?

Why are billionaire newspaper owners so damn cheap?

Is the media marching us to war (again)?

Peter Baker splits the difference again?

The duty to intervene: What news organizations need to do in 2024

My proposed additions to the New York Times style guide to improve its political coverage

Reporters should ask Republicans if they renounce political violence

A Jan. 6 conspiracy theory that hasn’t been disproven

How much of Trump’s support is due to racism?